Home landscapes ideal for finding holiday greenery

Home landscapes ideal for finding holiday greenery

I am a holiday decoration junkie. In our home last December, there were no fewer than 11 trees of various sizes, nearly two dozen different nativities from around the world, several holiday plants and many other assorted holiday decorations.

I always enjoy looking for new and vintage holiday decorations to feed my decoration addiction, but this year the decoration pickings are slim at many stores due to supply-chain disruptions (which I imagine to somehow have been engineered by the Grinch himself).

The good news is that if you are looking for some new ideas for holiday decorations this year, look no further than your own backyard or your local garden center for different types of fresh conifer and evergreen greenery that is sure to brighten up the inside and outside of your home this holiday season.

A colorful display can be created for the table.

Decorating the outside and inside of the house with fresh evergreens is one of the oldest winter holiday traditions, having been used in ancient winter festivals. Evergreens were used to represent everlasting life and hope for the return of spring. Today, decorating for the holidays with fresh greenery is more popular than ever, with many different plants providing a wide array of foliage with different characteristics for holiday decorating.

Simple boughs of fresh greenery provide a tasteful backdrop for any type of holiday decoration.

Types of greenery

Almost any type of evergreen or conifer can be used as holiday greenery. Firs, pines, and cedars are excellent as cut greens, as they dry out slowly and hold their needles best in warm interior temperatures. Many species of firs and cedars also provide a wonderfully festive scent when used indoors. Hemlock, spruces, and other broadleaf evergreens will last longer when used as outdoor decorations as they tend to dry out and drop needles very quickly. Holly branches are very traditional winter holiday decorations with branches from female plants prized for their bright red berries.