Home And Garden

From Our Garden: Today’s garden plot becoming urbanized, revolutionized | Home & Garden

A news flash came across my phone recently, saying: “A major food shortage is coming again in the United States.” That headline coupled with what we are seeing in the places we shop is enough to cause a level of anxiety.

Deep down we have the feeling that we should grow some of our own food. You may be thinking you want to but don’t have room for a garden, or your HOA will not let you. I assure you that the vegetable garden has become urbanized and revolutionized over the past few years for a couple of reasons.

The first is thanks to great new varieties of tomatoes, peppers, herbs and even berries that fit today’s garden to perfection. The second reason is thanks to Brie Arthur, a visionary horticulturist and author of “The Foodscape Revolution: Finding a Better Way to Make Space for Food and Beauty in Your Garden.” I’ll explain the importance of the foodscape in a minute.

Whether it is in rural areas, historic districts or the newest neighborhood, garden plots have gotten smaller. Even the well-known community garden projects that display raised beds or boxes are a far cry from the farm-type plot of our grandparents’ era.

This small garden concept is not just here, but in Europe as well. I follow several UK gardeners on Instagram who refer to their garden as their allotment. An allotment is roughly 300 square feet, which may seem like a luxury in today’s modern neighborhoods. All of this has led to a host of new, compact vegetables. Tomatoes are, of course, first when it comes to popularity with those wanting to grow edibles.