New World Player Places Annoying House Decoration Near Trading Post
In the wake of New World’s latest update, many fans are upset about the game, but a player is having fun annoying others with house decorations.
Despite its overwhelmingly positive launch almost two months ago, Amazon Game Studios’ New World hasn’t met the players’ expectations after all the issues and glitches that broke the game and its economy. New World‘s Steam reviews are now mixed after the Into the Void November update that made controversial secret changes to core gameplay mechanics. In fact, loot became much scarcer than before, making it hard for players to get anything good in the endgame.
This ended up affecting New World‘s solo players the most, who are now struggling to kill enemies due to their increased health pool, and if they do, the loot is not great. Another issue is tied to the duplication glitch affecting trophies and furniture, which made it impossible for New World players to trade these items for the time being – at least, that’s until Amazon figures out a solution. To compensate, housing taxes have been reduced by 90{d4d1dfc03659490934346f23c59135b993ced5bc8cc26281e129c43fe68630c9} for a while now, and players can enjoy the houses of their dreams to a degree.
A house owner in New World decided to place a crane-like decoration at the very limit of their property, which is very near to the trading post in the settlement. A Reddit user by the name of Ikavelashvili shared a post describing what’s going on and why this is a tragically comic thing to do to fellow players, as the animal continually makes intolerable sounds every few seconds. Thus, every New World player stopping by the trading post for some shopping is forced to listen to the bird’s noisy call.
To some players, hearing several birds from outside town can make it look like it’s haunted, whereas hearing them within its walls is excruciating. Another fellow Redditor suggests that this is the true endgame in New World‘s PvP because it annoys enemy players before incoming Faction Wars. Either way, the community is split on its judgment of the bird’s cry, as some want it toned down because it’s too annoying, whereas others like it as is.
As part of the housing issue, New World players are getting a lot of Gold, but this has caused another problem due to the amount of coins given varying randomly and affecting only a handful of individuals. New World is far from being out of the woods yet, but at least some players are still having fun.
New World is available now for PC.
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